This colorblindguy site takes a light hearted approach to being a colorblindguy! The topic of colorblindness does not usually come up, but there’s millions of us roaming the planet. It’s estimated that 6% of guys are Colorblindguys.
An overview of this web site!
In addition to being a “fun” site, it aims to raise awareness, provide reliable information, and build community for colorblindguys.
Usually to determine if someone is colorblind they take the Ishihara test-seen below. Colorblindguys probably see a bunch of dots, not a number.
Is it possible that because colorblindguys don’t spend much time with color combinations and other such subjects, that they develop other skills. Without the distraction of color, do they develop a logical mind, enjoy problem solving, or develop a good sense of humor? We have no choice, but to find humor in certain situations.
Colorblindguys tend not to make a big deal about being colorblind. We didn’t protest when non colorblindguy, Tom Hanks, played colorblindguy Mr. Rogers in the movie “It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood”. Hopefully if the topic of colorblindness pops to the surface, people, especially young people will know they are colorblind. It’s an important piece of information!
I’ll provide extensive information about being colorblind. I’ve provided an easy to understand biological explanation why guys become colorblind. In addition, there is research about curing colorblindness–it’s been claimed to have happened with monkeys. There’s even a study about being colorblind and their quality of life.
We hope you’ll be tempted to contribute a story that relates to being a colorblindguy. You can add your thoughts to some of the pages as you check out the site.
We also will have a range of products that will shine a light about being a colorblindguy! You can show your colorblindguy pride! Wearing a shirt or using a coffee mug will show you are a proud member of colorblindguy nation. It’s a great conversation starter and hopefully it won’t launch a string of “what color is this” questions.
It’s fun to be a colorblindguy. We have a unique perspective and use our coping skills all the time. The colorblindguy logo features a happy guy wearing eyeglasses with the Ishihara lenes-he’s clearly enjoying seeing the world a bit different than most people.
Be sure to check out colorblindguys’ favorite things.